The success of Burger Trucks follows the popularity of gourmet hamburgers

In many European countries, there was a time when hamburgers were considered to be fast food which was prepared with less than stellar ingredients.

Hamburgers were associated with chains like McDonald’s and Burger King, places where one compromises quality for convenience.

Today things are much different. Once a typical fast-food product, the hamburger has become a meal which is fully integrated into popular customs and becoming more and more of a genuine gourmet dish.

In the end, it’s not that big of a surprise. The versatility of these sandwiches allows for experimentation with one’s culinary imagination.

Countless websites host loads of recipes for making gourmet hamburgers at home:

  • burgers
  • premium burgers (Chianina, Angus, Scottona, etc.)
  • cheese-based burgers (cheddar, gorgonzola, fontina, brie, etc.)
  • vegan burgers
  • fish burgers (salmon, tuna, etc.)
  • etc.


Gourmet and local hamburger joints, along with restaurants offering hamburgers, are constantly opening in cities around the world. Throughout Europe, there has been an increase in small chains which focus on high-quality products.

Consequently, there has been an increase in requests for custom burger trucks by restaurants, fast food chains, and even entrepreneurs who are intent on starting a business which takes advantage of a food truck’s mobility.
santo burger food truck apecar

Burger food trucks used as extensions of fixed locales or businesses on their own

Hamburgers are easy to cook and quick to prepare. Their use goes back many years, especially in the USA where, alongside hot dogs, they are one of the most traditional street foods and ideal for those who don’t have much time to eat at lunch or during the day.

They constitute a complete meal which meet the needs of customers and are rather profitable for food truckers, as one can prepare and sell many in a short amount of time.

A burger truck is the simplest and most effective way to sell hamburgers because it greatly reduces the initial investment and maintenance costs compared to hamburger joints and fast food chains.

Its biggest advantage is that it can go where the customers are, instead of passively awaiting them in a fixed locale.

Plus, there are countless locations where burger trucks can be placed:

  • festival
  • stations
  • airports
  • outlets and shopping centers
  • boardwalks
  • ski sites
  • water and amusement parks
  • large hotels
  • catering service for private events
  • delivery
  • etc.


It’s impossible to name all the places fit for hamburger sales on a custom-made food truck.
the hamburger foundation example of entrepreneurs who started with a food truck and then opened a restaurant
Burger and gourmet sandwiches can provide lots of culinary choices in locations such as:

  • exposition centers and sector fairs
  • museum spaces
  • office parks
  • company events
  • luxury resorts
  • private parties and festivals
  • etc.


Moreover, vehicle customization is an extraordinary branding tool which is key for many companies when choosing a burger truck to expand their businesses.


Some burger truck models by VS Veicoli Speciali for the European market

Bun Burgers
hamburger food truck bunburgers for mobile food business in Italy


businesses in the catering sector buy food trucks, for example a rock burger from Turin who bought a truck to sell hamburgers and promote the brand


Don’t Feed the Bear
red burger truck in Italy


bobson burger food truck


God Save The Food
mercedes sprinter burger truck


The Hamburger Foundation
thf burger van working in winter in Switzerland


BBQ Texan
nv food truck texan bbq equipped for selling grilled meat and with a kitchen for catering service



Santo Burger
Santo Burger truck designed for street food business



Rock Burger
rock burger bus food truck



THF – The Hamburger Foundation
buy a trailer truck and start selling hamburgers