The most modern Ape Pizza on the market is Smart

Pizza is probably the most well-known food globally. Whether in pizzerias, restaurants, fast-food outlets, or as street food, it consistently ranks at the top of consumer tastes and preferences. Children, youths, and adults alike enjoy it indiscriminately.

It is prepared and cooked in relatively short times, and can be easily eaten in any situation. It’s no wonder that it’s one of the most sold street food.

As a result, food trucks equipped for preparing and selling pizzas are among the most sought-after street food trucks.

Food trucks set up as mobile pizzerias are among the most visited during festivals and fairs, they are always successful at private events where they are featured, and, without fail, they bring smiles to the streets and squares they pass through.

Among mobile pizza trucks, the Piaggio Ape Pizza is a highly attractive option because, in addition to being more economical than other food trucks, less cumbersome, and more agile, its association with pizza sales creates a solid duo of Italian flair that boosts sales.

Equipped with an oven, the Ape Pizza Truck allows for pizzas to be prepared in front of customers using fresh ingredients, showcasing the vendors’ professionalism in a kind of show cooking.

smart ape pizza in Paris non solo pizze by giuseppe messina
This all creates a fascinating amalgam between tradition and innovation that captures the curiosity of customers and passersby, with obvious positive repercussions on the business.


Setup of a Pizzaria on Piaggio Ape Smart

The Ape Smart is a vehicle designed by VS with the idea that the operator works outside of the vehicle. This allows for a setup that is very easy to use, lightweight, and more economical compared to models with onboard work.

piaggio ape pizza truck with wood-gas oven

The Ape Smart converted into a roaming pizzeria is unmatched in the market in terms of the quality of its setup. The equipment, oven, design, finishes, attention to ergonomics and aesthetics, nothing has been left to chance.

The layout is designed to best carry out the work of preparation, cooking, and service, and to respect the balance of loads on the vehicle.

The main features of this Ape Pizza Smart include:

  • A dual fuel oven:
    • Gas
    • Wood
  • Custom refrigerator
  • Standard gas compartment
  • Fully customizable, including the oven, chimney, and finishes
  • Can be equipped with various accessories


The Ape Pizza Smart is designed for ground-level work and, as such, is aimed at foreign markets.

This oufitting embodies all the experience and taste of VS.

An economical and easy to use food truck, suitable for fairs, festivals, and private events, with the possibility of combining a reservation service with on-site cooking, a proposal of undoubted commercial impact.

Acquiring it means getting not just any pizza ape, but a really Smart Pizza Ape!